Saturday, October 15, 2016

My name is Todd, and I'm ...

My name is Todd. And I'm an alcoholic.

There, I said it. Out loud. Publicly. For everyone to hear. All of you. I've been waiting nine years to do that. It feels great!

Some of you already knew, because we've talked about it. Others know, but we've never discussed it. Many more of you didn't know. Now you do.

I'm tired of keeping it hidden. I'm done being anonymous. And I'm sick of the stigma of shame that, for too long, has prevented people who need help from seeking it. That stigma is as deadly as the disease itself. I can't sit and watch those things kill people while I’m silent about my own recovery for fear of what others might think of me.

That stigma. To hell with it! I hear the whispers. I see the stares. I feel the abandonment.

Many people can’t even begin to comprehend alcoholism and addiction. They can't quite grasp what it does to a person. They don’t understand how it happens. Why it happens. So, I can see why they're uncomfortable dealing with it. But that's the stigma. Right there! They don't know, and they're mostly uneasy about discussing it. So they don’t.

I'm not afraid to talk about it. And from now on, I will. This disease. The stigma. The contrived shame. They're not going to beat me. And I’ll do what I can to help others overcome. I’m not going to apologize for saving my life. I'm no longer going to recover quietly.

I used alcohol inappropriately. I didn’t realize it, but I was running from demons deep inside me. Over time, alcohol simply quit working for me the way I needed it to. In fact, it tried to kill me. It began to use me the same way I used it. It was destroying my body, mind, and most especially my soul.

I fought. I fought hard.

Today I have no desire whatsoever to drink. I don't need it. For fun. Or to escape. I won't waste one miraculous moment trying to dodge the reality that is my wonderful life. The good. The bad. All of it. I need it all. It all shapes me. I willingly accept it. I am fully aware. Fully me.

Addiction killed one of my best friends. It's also taken some of my family members from this earth. I've seen the wreckage. I've seen people try to battle, and fail, and die. I've hugged people in recovery meetings one day, and grieved them at their funeral the next week. I've also seen people win. They thrive in ways they never dreamed of.

Don't feel sorry for me because I'm an alcoholic. Don't you dare! Don't shy away from approaching me and asking me about my alcoholism, either. Bring it. I'm happy to tell my story. I'd be thrilled to tell you how I saved my life. I'm certain you'll be surprised to hear why I'm so much happier today in recovery than I ever was when I drank.

That's right. I'm happy. Really full of joy. I've found my soul. And I love it.

I recently committed to running the Columbus Marathon. In doing so, I'm raising money for The Herren Project, a group of selfless people who bring assistance programs to those suffering from substance abuse and mental health issues. I've trained my tail off for the past four months. I've gained a new appreciation for runners, and I've found a great love for the sport. This is my first Marathon. Tomorrow is the big day. It could be my only race. We'll see.

I’ll run in memory of my dear friend, Patrick Plant. Addiction killed Patrick. I wish I could have saved him. My God, I wish. But I was fighting my own demons at the time and wasn't capable of helping him. So tomorrow I will honor his life and I'll run for him. I love you, my brother. I miss you.

I'll also run for another friend, Bob Flajnik, whose life ended far too soon for reasons that will remain a mystery to us. Bob was an avid runner. A world-class Marathoner. I'm sure he'll be watching over me as I take on the 26.2 miles that he tackled so many times. Give me a push, Bob.

Lastly, I'll run for myself. If I didn’t fight and seek treatment for this ugly disease, I'd be dead today. I have no doubt. It’s chronic, progressive, and often fatal. So I'll celebrate my life and my nine years of sobriety by running this Marathon. I'll run and I will crush the stigma – one step at a time. For The Herren Project. For Patrick. For Bob. For me.

I’m a winner. I won’t forget it. Don’t you, either.

If you see me running, either tomorrow in the Marathon or any other day, think about what I've explained here. Think about those who suffer from substance abuse. Think about addicts and alcoholics. Be aware of the devastation that addiction causes. Be aware of the stigma we battle.

Then, think about my recovery. Notice my smile. Feel my peace. Celebrate my victory with me. See for yourself how free I am. Ask me about it. I'd love to tell you.

My name is Todd. Yes, I'm an alcoholic.

But I'm much so more ...


  1. I'm truly inspired by your testimony. Be strong and be proud!

  2. SO THRILLED FOR YOU!!! Well done, my friend! Still have the lucky buckeyes you gave me. �� Run for my boys, too! Go for it! ��

  3. Todd I am so proud and happy for you to stand up and reclaim your life and not allow addiction win. Stay strong and very proud of yourself.
    Jody Pugh McSwegin

  4. I loved Patrick too. Thank you for running in his memory. I will be praying and routing you. I would love to see a post by you after you complete the marathon. Good luck and God bless you.

  5. As always Todd, That was beautifully written. Good luck tomorrow. It sounds like you will have two Angels flying with you as you run to raise awareness and run to raise money to help others fighting addiction get the help they do desperately need. Thanks for sharing your soul and your inspirational story with us. There is a light at the end of the are running to show people that light and that is a beautiful thing.

  6. So eloquently written - I am so blessed and happy that our paths crossed. You inspire me so much! Good luck tomorrow - I know you will do well!

  7. I'm so proud of you! Even when you sought help you kept this alcoholic sober for one more day. I love you dearly and hope I meet you some day. If not, I'll see you at the Big Meeting in Heaven! Big ((HUG))!

  8. I'm so proud of you! Even when you sought help you kept this alcoholic sober for one more day. I love you dearly and hope I meet you some day. If not, I'll see you at the Big Meeting in Heaven! Big ((HUG))!

  9. So beautifully written. I know what you went through. My dad was an alcoholic, he had been sober 11 years when he passed away. I've seen addiction first hand, it's been in my family and still has a hold of a few of them. I'm so proud of you and I'm proud to know you. God Bless you for sharing your story with all of us. You are an inspiration. Best of luck tomorrow in the marathon.

  10. If I was there in person, I would give you a hug and a kiss right on the cheek!. Good luck tomorrow! Columbus was my first marathon....keep fighting the fight!

  11. Todd,What you have done and said here is an inspiration to me and to many others. It takes a humble and selfless person to admit they are addicted to anything. Be it a big thing or small. We all are addicted to something. But not all of us struggle as hard as others to overcome them. I have had a number of alcoholics in my family. My brother needs a liver transplant now because of his alcohol addiction. He is younger than me. It's so hard to watch. Ive spent numerous hours at the hospital with him, and my family surrounding him when he was literally on his deathbed more times than I want to remember. He has finally stopped drinking but the damage is so bad now that he is living by the grace of God right now. People don't understand it unless they have lived it. I support you and I will pray for strength for you to continue fighting this disease every day and know that you are worth it!! Don't ever give one thought to people who look down on you or treat you bad. I have watched so many people including and especially my own family treat my brother like he is the scum of the earth! It kills me. We are all important. We are all deserving of love and human compassion from each other no matter what we are or what we are going through. I always think that you have to look at others as if that could be your own child one day. How would you want people to treat them? Because we love our children no matter what they put us through. No person is better than another. Doesn't matter how they look, dress, how much money they have or how well they are liked etc, etc. We are all created in God's image and he loves us as disgusting as we all are!! Keep your head up and know that you are loved my sweet friend. xoxoxo

  12. Denise Backus-ThomasOctober 15, 2016 at 7:55 PM

    I don't know why my name did not appear.

  13. Todd, your post has brought tears to my eyes. I'm so proud of your bravery for admitting that you're a flawed human being. We all are damaged, flawed and human. Empowerment comes from owning it and working on overcoming our weaknesses. Love to you my friend.

  14. When I met you the first time, when I moved here, a stranger in a sea of clearly comfortable folk at the library, you were the first person to acknowledge me. It sucks feeling like an outsider. You actually offered to help me as I was dragging 5 kids around, one an infant. You have always been such a kind, genuine, tell it like it is, happy, funny, inspirational person with a smile and hi that actually means something. I am grateful you allow me to follow you and learn from you. Having experiences both in work and in my family with addictions I totally understand and admire your strength, passion and confidence. I am sorry I missed the marathon today but congrats on that magnificent journey and for illuminating the great work the Herren Project does. Bless you kind sir!

  15. Todd,I've known you as a great neighbor. I never knew about your struggle. Thanks for sharing. You've always had my respect and admiration, especially noticing how great a dad you've been to the boys. Now you have even more. I hope you did well today. I'm going to share your post with someone close to me who's dealing with alcoholism. You just might save a life. Thanks so much, Earl.

  16. Todd TY for this post. For the courage. This is your best piece thus far. It is poignant- speaking for You and yet for everyone and anyone who have had any major challenges to overcome.

    I Am cheering You on all the way in life and on this marathon!

    You are a winner, Todd!

    Peace, Love and Wishing You Well,

